Hospitality Jobs

The biggest challenge facing the hospitality sector by far is recruiting enough staff. We help employers recruit faster and more efficiently.

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Hospitality recruitment challenges

Recruiting for the hospitality sector has long been challenging with the perception of low pay and long unsociable hours, and the pandemic has made this even harder. In a recent survey by Joblist, over a third of former hospitality workers said they had no plans to return to their previous jobs or even the sector.

With fewer potential candidates, employers face the challenge of encouraging candidates to apply. With fierce competition from other sectors, employers must keep job seekers engaged throughout the hiring process.

Recently, LinkedIn reported a 20% increase in drop-off from the application and hiring process. Career Builder found that 60% of candidates will quit a hiring process if it takes too long.

Automating recruitment drives results

Reducing friction in your recruitment process is essential to attracting and engaging candidates. Combining realistic job previews and adaptive questioning enables candidates to find roles that best match their skills, interests and abilities.

Offering a highly focused application and assessment process allows candidates to apply, be assessed and potentially receive a conditional offer in minutes. This automated approach reduces the administrative burden on recruiters and hiring managers.

Furthermore, all your recruitment campaigns are adaptable and scalable to meet changing requirements and cope with seasonality. The automated nature of the process makes it unbiased and fair, encouraging diversity and inclusion (D&I).

A young woman with her arms crossed

Want to learn more? 

Speak to one of our consultants to learn how Tazio can automate your recruitment and assessment process.

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